One Year Of Tamilisai As TS Governor: Good Job So Far

On September 9th, 2019 Tamilisai Sounderarajan took over as the Governor of Telangana state and it’s been a year now and her journey is so far smooth. At a time when BJP leaders turned Governors of several states are intervening in respective state governments’ decisions, Tamilisai did not do so.

However, Tamilisai expressed deep upset over the Telangana government, the way it handled the Covid-19. Especially in an exclusive interview with a national media, Tamilisai made serious comments, the Telangana government did not bother about the letters she wrote to take appropriate measures to contain the virus. Apart from this, Tamilisai almost remained to her work and business.

On her one year completion, The Print had interviewed Tamilisai and this time, she made some positive comments on KCR government on Covid-19. “The response has been positive from CM KCR. The state has also increased its efforts to control the pandemic,” said Tamilisai but she opined that had there been no delay in measures, the virus would have been in control much before.

Meanwhile on Wednesday evening hours, post the Assembly sessions, CM KCR called on Tamilisai and congratulated her on completion of one year.