Charan’s No Parking & Speeding Fines

It is undeniable that people follow celebs and take inspiration from them. If a celeb takes the initiative of a good cause, it will surely send a positive message across the society and this is the reason why govt. ropes in celebs to endorse its initiatives. But, what kind of message people will get if celebs themselves are found to have indulged in unlawful deeds?

In order to ease the administration, the govt. has started putting data of every registered person including of the celebs in its various e-domains. Taking this as an advantage, some miscreants are unearthing data of celebs and spreading it on social media if they come across even a slight aberration.

Among other celebs, Ram Charan’s traffic fouls have now been unearthed by these miscreants. As per this data, Charan was fined by traffic police on as many as five occasions and he is yet to pay the penalty amounts. He was fined after his Black Range Rover was caught overspeeding on Outer Ring Road (ORR) and found parked at no-parking places. Irrespective of whether the mistake was committed by Charan or his driver, name of the actor only got into police records as he is the owner of the vehicle.

When private information like this comes into public domain, the image of any celeb gets endangered. It may also send a wrong message to masses. It is the responsibility of celebs to lead people in lawful path.

There used to be a time when people have no idea about their favorite celebs’ private life except their silver screen image. Nowadays, the lives of celebs have become like open books. With the advent of technology, celebs have become soft targets for opportunistic miscreants who keep searching for new means to malign their image. With a massive image in public at stake, celebs now need to more careful than ever regarding their data on e-platforms.