Nithyananda Set Up A New Island-Country ‘Kailaasa’

The whereabouts of self-styled godman and rape accused Swami Nithyananda is only getting peculiar with no hints altogether. His time to time YouTube videos with space like illusional background has also kept police perplexed. While cops are busy looking for him, Nithaynanda is hiding somewhere intelligently, without unboxing the mystery in a world where almost every crime is solved.

But, here comes a new twist. Stop all your worries on where Nithyananda is. Because we have found his shelter and that is – ‘Kailaasa’. Seems like Nithyananda has apparently found a new self-proclaimed ‘country’ called Kailaasa. ‘Kailaasa is a nation without borders created by dispossessed Hindus from around the world who lost the right to practice Hinduism authentically in their own countries’ reads the introduction on the website.

To much surprise, the website has been running since April 2019. The site has many intricate details of his new country without cleverly unrevealing the location. Some reports suggest that the pseudo-country is located on his owned private island that he has allegedly bought from Ecuador, near Trinidad and Tobago (S.America). Also, with the help of a popular legal advisory company in the US, it is alleged that Nithyananda filed a requisition to the UN for recognising his island as a country.

Now, we wonder if there is really a new country that he discovered or it is just a fictional take. The suspense is killing our insides. (laughs). The country also promised to provide ‘a safe haven to all the world’s practising, aspiring or persecuted Hindus, irrespective of race, gender, sect, caste, or creed, where they can peacefully live and express their spirituality, arts, and culture free from denigration, interference and violence’ on the website.

The bigger shocker is the country has a passport and its own PM and cabinet, claiming that it stands for universal free healthcare, free education and free food with temple based lifestyle. The country speaks only English, Sanskrit and Tamil. The country has also got a flag (Rishabha Dhvaja) with Nithyanandas image and holy Nandi. And, wait. There is still far-fetched stuff that you got to hear.

The country apparently has Nithyananda University and Global Digital Library too. The University is described as the ‘world’s largest Hindu University for intense consciousness-based education’. People can also apply to be a citizen of Kailaasa, Lucky we, isn’t it?! The citizens will be given a Kailaasa passport which, ‘by the grace of Paramashiva, the holder of this passport is allowed free entry to the place”.