Tamil actress Priya Bhavani Shankar has delighted fans with the announcement of her impending nuptials. The actress, known for her roles in films like “Bharatiyadudu 2” and the web series “Dhoota,” has been in a long-term relationship with Rajavelu for a decade.
Despite their mutual desire to marry, the couple’s busy professional schedules have prevented them from taking the plunge until now. However, Priya has confirmed that they are planning to exchange vows in the upcoming year. The actress expressed her excitement about embarking on this new chapter with her partner.
Social media has been a platform for the couple to share glimpses of their relationship, and fans have eagerly followed their journey. The news of their engagement has been met with overwhelming joy and support from well-wishers.
As Priya prepares to embrace her new role as a wife, she continues to shine in the entertainment industry. With several promising projects in the pipeline, the actress is poised for a successful and fulfilling year ahead.
Fans eagerly anticipate updates on the wedding preparations and extend their heartfelt congratulations to the couple.