‘PPLM Contest – Got A Love Story? Name It?’

Nirvana Cinemas, a renowned overseas distribution house is running a fun contest #NameYourLoveStory, and here is what the contest is all about.

If you were to direct a Love Story (or probably your own story), what would you name it?

Post your title on Twitter or Facebook with hashtag #NameMyLoveStory, #PPLMOnDec21 and tag @NirvanaCinemas

For example: #NameMyLoveStory #PPLMOnDec21 Crypto Prema @ NirvanaCinemas

The best 5 titles will win $50 or 3000 Rs Amazon Gift Card. What are you waiting for? Let your creative juices flow.

Contest Rules:
1. Title can be in Telugu, English, or mix of both. It can be alphanumeric too
2. Only one entry per person
3. Shouldn’t be an existing movie title
4. Contest deadline Dec 20 8:00 PM IST
5. Winners will be announced on January 1st, 2019