YCP’s Confidence Coming Down?

May 23, the D-day, is still long from now but the enthusiasm levels in YCP is gradually coming down. While YCP was extremely confident of its victory soon after the conclusion of polls on 11th April, that quotient of confidence is missing in its cadre today.

Even the punters who were initially in favour of Jagan are slowly changing their options with various analysis coming out. With Naidu conducting constituency-wise analysis and taking feedback from his party’s candidates, slowly the mood among the betters is changing. Seeing TDP’s confidence, even YCP is on back foot on its winning chances. TDP is totally relying on Pasupu Kumkuma scheme beneficiaries and pension beneficiaries to sail it to victory whereas Jagan hopes on anti-incumbency and negative on TDP’s MLA candidates.

This is said to be causing new worry among Jagan’s fans, followers. While it’s a now or never situation for Jagan, it’s equally crucial for Naidu to cement the position of his son Lokesh as his successor.

Having said these, still, it’s not easy for TDP. And the prediction for AP is still tough given that it’s a neck-and-neck between the ruling and opposition parties. So, one has to wait till May 23 to see who is right and who is wrong in guessing the public mood.