Major fallout takes place in Karnataka’s Legislative Council for power

The Karnataka Vidhan Parishad, or the Legislative Council, saw a major fall-out amongst its members today, who fought for the ultimate Chairman seat of the council. As soon as the session had started, members of the Congress had pulled Deputy Chairman Dharmagowda off his chair by force, and the BJP members tried their best to stop this from happening.

This started a chaotic atmosphere in the council, from after which everything erupted into a perpetual madness. The Congress has even accused the BJP and the JDS of wrongfully assigning the Chairman seat.

While the BJP is currently enjoying power in the Karnataka Assembly, the opposition parties are ruling the Council. In the recently concluded MLC elections, the BJP won 4 more seats, taking its total strength to 31 seats. However, this is not enough for the BJP to form the majority.

The fight is now on between every party, especially the Congress and the BJP, both of whom are trying to form the majority, and occupy the chairman seat. Both the parties are trying to team up with another party, mainly the JDS, to come into power.