Arjun Reddy Director Goes Bollywood

The cult hit ‘Arjun Reddy’ is now being remade in many languages. It is also being remade in Bollywood too. Interestingly, the job of directing in Hindi is also entrusted to the original Telugu director Sandeep Reddy Vanga who shot to fame with this movie.

Sandeep Reddy has officially signed on the dotted line. The Bollywood version will be produced by Murad Khetani and Ashwin Varde who recently produced “Mubarakan”.Buzz is that Arjun Kapoor has been signed as the hero but the makers have not announced the name yet. Sandeep’s name has been announced officially.

Sandeep Vanga also narrated a script to Mahesh Babu but this movie may not happen at present.Sandeep Vanga is in demand in Tollywood after his debut movie created a rage among the youth.