“Bava Maradallu is a Telugu drama television series. The story of Bava Maradallu revolves around Srinivas, a bank employee, who comes to Balaram’s house as a tenant. Balaram has two daughters namely Padmavathi and Alivelu. Circumstances bring Srinivas closer to both the girls in the house. What’s interesting here is, Srinivas is none other than Balaram’s nephew (Balaram’s sister’s son) however, Balaram is not aware of it. Balaram’s sister Subhadra gets married to a man from a different community and since then, Balaram stops talking to her. After several years, Subhadra’s son Srinivas is now in Balaram’s house.
Why did Srinivas come to Balaram’s house? If Balaram gets to know that Srinivas is Subhadra’s son, what will happen? Will Srinivas fall in love with Balaram’s daughters? Will Sr .
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