Brothers LockingHorns This Dusshera Season!

With big heroes battling it out during the Sankranti season, the movie lovers are excited for January already but they are not able to see what is right in front of them. It is going to be the battle of brothers this Dusshera season. Two sets of brothers are locking heads against each other and it will be an interesting watch to see who emerges out as a winner.

First, we have the ‘Panjaa’ brothers who are arriving at the same time. Sai Dharam Tej’s political thriller ‘Republic’ is arriving on October 1st while Vaisshnav Tej is hitting the screens with his ‘Konda Polam’ on 8th October. While ‘Republic’ is a film that revolves around politics, Vaisshnav’s film is a rural drama. They are quite different from each other and directors like Deva Katta and Krish are known for their unorthodox stories which doesn’t make this much of a battle.

But the case is different with the ‘Akkineni’ brothers. Akhil announced that his ‘Most Eligible Bachelor’ will be hitting the screens on 8th October. What is interesting is that both Naga Chaitanya’s ‘Love Story’ and Akhil’s film fall in the same genre and cater to the same set of youth and family audiences. While ‘Love Story’ is clearly a step ahead when it comes to craze due to big names like Chaitanya, Sai Pallavi and Sekhar Kammula, we cannot underestimate Akhil’s romantic comedy as it features Pooja Hegde and is produced by ‘GA2 Pictures’ banner.

Both set of brothers are arriving in such a short time and it is to be seen which of these end up as winner though we hope all of them become successful.