Buzz: Vijay Devarakonda sets up a team

Every hero finds his own way of functioning in the film industry such that it will facilitate him to deliver better films in a short time. And it looks like even Vijay Devarakonda also found a way to operate from now.

Many big heroes have their PAs, special managers and people close to them listen to the story first. This team will filter the stories and take the one that they got connected to the respective hero. And now, we hear that Vijay Devarakonda has set up a similar team to listen to young directors who want to meet this hero.

This script-listening team will hear the first round of narration from the aspiring directors and writers, and only if they find it appropriate and do-worthy, then they will take it forward to Vijay Devarakonda. For the increasing volumes of stories he has to listen to, owing to his new found star status, the hero is said to be finding it a bit difficult to listen to every narration, and hence he got this team set up.

Hope the team consists of the right people, as there are chances to lose right scripts due to these teams as it happened in the case of many heroes earlier.