Director drinking Non-Stop after Hero rejects

‘Shock’ is something that could happen at any time between anyone no matter how much thick friends they are. A recent incident is said to have shocked a director big time.

This director made friends with a big star in recent times and they have become very thick. But out of the blue, their supposed project was put off the air and the cancellation news reached every nook and corner without any official word on it. When the director tried to contact the hero, he’s said to be unavailable for him, they say.

Upset with how things turned out for him, the director is said to be boozing non-stop with his friends and another writing team that worked day and night with him to impress the hero. By hiring a guest house in Film Nagar they are said to be indulging in drinking throughout the night and the day as well.

Well, these shockers are very common in the film industry and one wonders why the director took this particular one to heart. Maybe he expected a lot without staying close to reality.