Exceptional charity: PSPK’s fans arrange Rs 10 lakh in 12 days

There are very few actors in India who have such a huge fan base as that of Pawan Kalyan. Besides admiring the actor on screen, his fans are also known for their social service and charity. From blood donation camps to charity for orphanages, Power star fans have been doing everything to help the needy.

The latest incident that came to light was that Pawan Kalyan’s fans have helped an ardent fan of the actor, who met with an accident a few years ago and was bedridden.

As per the info, Vannurappa Burrukunta met with an accident and is suffering from Quadriplegia/ Tetraplegia, Subluxation Spine, Locked Facts, C6& C7 Spinal Motion Segment. Coming from a poor family, Vannurappa was not able to afford medical treatment. Actor Sampoornesh Babu and director Sai Rajesh came forward to bear the expenses for physiotherapy. With the financial aid of few Pawan Kalyan fans, the fan was able to fulfil his monthly needs.

However, there was no permanent solution for Vannurappa’s financial situation. Though the government assured to help with treatment, they were unable to keep up their word.

In order to make Vannurappa independent, Pawan Kalyan’s fans started an online campaign to collect Rs. 10 Lakhs for his treatment in CMC, Vellore, arranging an electrical wheelchair and also help him to start his own business as a permanent solution to his dire financial condition. During this fundraising campaign, almost 450+ donors have come forward and donated Rs 10 lakh within 12 days. This is indeed a big gift that the fans can give to Pawan Kalyan on his 50th birthday.