Hyderabad Politician Hilariously Trolled over His Post

After B.Com Physics troll of a politician from AP, here comes another troll on the Hyderabad Mayor, Bonthu Rammohan for his post on the social media. What do you think of the collage (before and after) that he posted? The post is a collage of two pictures one titled “before” which has a pile of garbage lying around and the second titled ‘after” with all the garbage gone and the green grass replacing the garbage.

The mayor actually wanted to show off the great work of the Greater Hyderabad Municipal corporation which has totally gone wrong. That is a good idea, but, he shouldn’t have used the photoshopped pictures. One can clearly notice that the pictures are photoshopped with the passerby’s were missed to be removed from the second picture without garbage.

People have taken the Mayor for a ride with the hilarious trolls. The GHMC officials came back to cover up for the Mayor with an explanation that the mayor only wanted to convey the vision of the department to make the city a clean city.