India Presents Special Gift To Australia DY PM!

The current union government is maintaining good relations with a few western nations and the concerned Ministers often visit the nations to keep the friendly ties intact. Not just the Ministers, even the Indian Prime Minister visits the nation and the visits are paying off for us as a country.

During such visits, the personalities share gifts as a token of friendship. But a gift presented by the Minister of External Affairs of India S. Jaishankar to Australian Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles left him surprised. The Australian Deputy PM was so moved by the gift and he shared the happiness on social media.

Jaishankar presented a bat signed by King Kohli to Richard Marles. During his Australia visit, Jaishankar gifted Virat Kohli-signed bat to the Deputy Prime Minister. As he has an interest in sports, he liked Kohli and Jaishankar presented him with the bat.

Australia is among the friendly nations of India and the western nation has been a friendly nation for a few decades now. The friendly ties between India and Australia go to various fields like business, defense, and others.

The previous governments developed a strong relationship with Australia and the current government is continuing it by giving its best. External Minister Jaishakar is doing a good job in this regard.