Kodandaram’s protest foiled, JAC chief vows to fight for farmers rights

kodandaramTelangana Political Joint Action Committee (Tjac) chairman Prof Kodandaram on Thursday began hunger stir at his residence in Tarnaka when the police did not allow him to proceed to Indira Park where the JAC chief was scheduled to launch his hunger stir protesting against the state government’s Land Acquisition legislation.

The city police did not give permission to the Tjac chief dharna. As soon as Kodandaram came out of his residence, the police obstructed him and did not allow him to proceed to Indira Park. Resenting the police move, the JAC chief said that he would launch hunger stir at his home. The police also arrested hundreds of JAC leaders from districts where were gathering at the protest venue to support the JAC chief.

Speaking to media persons at his home, Kodandaram said that the JAC was not against development but added that the government should not take away farmers land forcibly. We are not against the development, in fact we want faster development but we oppose the government’s move to take away the farm lands forcibly. He warned that the JAC would organize hunger stirs and protests at the project sites if the government tries to impose restrictions on them. He said that a State Assembly does have rights to amend laws passed by Parliament. He said that the states can only amend provisions related to compensation and rehabilitation but not others areas.  He said that the Tjac would hold protest demonstrations at district and mandal levels on Friday.

TPCC chief Uttam Kumar Reddy, Opposition leader Jana Reddy and others expressed solidarity with the JAC chief and accused the government of being highhanded in dealing those opposing the government’s anti-people actions. The people of the state would teach a befitting lesson to TRS if it continues its anti-people policies, the felt.