Lagadapati Halts TRS’s Victory Celebrations!

TRS seems to be in the grip of Lagadapati Rajagopal’s exit poll survey, which predicted victory for Congress-led People’s Front.

Lagadapati’s survey is in complete contrast to the exit polls released by all the major national news channels.

TRS leaders and cadre were in jubilant mood soon after all the exit polls started coming out in their favour. However, their joy was shortlived after Lagadapati dropped a bombshell.

TRS leaders and cadre started preparations for celebrations at Telangana Bhavan after exit polls predicting TRS victory were released by major national news channels.

Firecrackers were kept ready. Leaders and cadre made arrangements to organise palabhishekams, ksheerabhishekams for pictures of TRS chief and CM K Chandrasekhar Rao.

But the celebrations were halted following the instructions of party’s high command after Lagadapati survey came out.

This gives clear indications that Lagadapati’s survey holds more value for TRS than all the major national news channels put together.

This could be because Lagadapati predicted full majority for TRS in 2014 elections, which came out true against the predictions made by others.

Whether Lagadapati’s latest survey proves right or wrong in the end, he could imbibe a sense of fear among TRS leaders and cadre for the time being and halted their celebrations.

He was also successful in reviving the sagging morale of Congress and TDP after all major news channels predicted their victory.