Manmohan singh slams PM Modi’s statement about Ladakh’s face off

Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh outright slammed PM Modi’s statement on the Ladakh face off issue. In general the public is of the opinion that Modi takes a right step and gives right statements. But this time after PM Modi’s announcement claiming that ‘Chinese troop didn’t enter Galwan valley in Ladakh’ was not accepted and he was on the receiving end by many netizens.

Manmohan Singh too became infuriated against Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He criticised him to be more mindful of implications of his statements related to Nation’s security. He asserted 20 soldiers were killed on Friday and questioned PM, if the Chinese army didn’t enter the border, how did the soldiers martyred?

The former PM hinted the government that “disinformation is no substitute for diplomacy or decisive leadership. And the truth cannot be suppressed by having pliant allies spout confronting but false statements”.

In this view, recently Rahul Gandhi too made a sensational comment by labelling PM Narendra Modi as ”Surrender Modi”. He expressed his heartfelt tribute to the martyred Indian Army and said that the Modi led government should take proper measures to avoid such dreary situations.

Manmohan Singh also suggested that the government must do proper justice to late valiant Col. Santosh Babu and other 19 soldiers who lost their lives at Indo-China border. The former PM claims China’s act as brazen and illegal intrusion in the Indian territory. He said India should not be cowed down by threats and all parts of government should ensure to prevent such crisis by not vindicating PM’s words by China of their position.

Currently it is reported that India and China has scheduled heated talks at Corps commanders level to arrive to a consensus and resolve the tensions at the border.