Uttam Demands High Security to EVMs

TPCC chief Uttam Kumar Reddy has alerted the Election Commission that he got reports that TRS could try to tamper EVMs or even replace the EVMs during their way from strong room to counter room.

Strong room is where EVMs from all polling booths of all 119 constituencies would be stored. Uttam demanded that extra protection, security should be provided to the strong rooms. He asked the Election Commission to ensure that the corresponding EVMs would be shifted from strong room to counting room in a transparent way under high vigilance, security. Uttam said he has reports that TRS could try to replace the exiting EVMs and could even resort to tampering as the mood is against them. Uttam also opined that the polling booth agent should be the counting booth agent to maintain the transparency and to avoid discrepancies.

Uttam also found fault with Telangana’s Chief Electoral Officer Rajat Kumar over the missing votes. Uttam asked why such rush in conducting elections in Telangana if the votes are not properly registered and several votes are missed. In a straight question, he has asked for whom the EC has conducted the election at such a fast pace.