Rahul Gandhi questions the centre about India’s position in Covid-19 fight #rahul gandhi

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi questioned the Centre’s action today on twitter against the worsening situation due to COVID-19 pandemic.

The comments were passed a day after Union Home Minister Amit Shah stated that populous country like India is in a “good position” in the fight against the covid-19 pandemic and assured that the country would curb the spread with extensive safety measures.

In a tweet, Rahul Gandhi questioned Modi-led government by saying ‘Is India at a good position in Covid-19 battle?’ and shared a graph showing covid-19 statiscs.

The congress leader posted a graph of Covid-19 growth showing how India’s daily average COVID cases had seen a spike in comparison to that of other countries like South Korea, and New Zealand that have markedly diminished over time and escaped from the clutches of the dangerous pandemic. While on the other hand, the graph of India as per 7 day cases show a constant increase in the graph. The ideal graph should show a v-shaped one with as low peak as possible, which depicts that there is a decline.

India witnessed a highest single day spike of 28,701 cases yesterday, taking the total number of count to 8,78,254 as on Monday morning. while the death toll rose to 23,174 with 551 people passing away due to the infection, according to the Union Health Ministry reports.