Renowned filmmaker Kranthi Madhav, known for his unique and emotionally resonant films like ‘Onamalu’, ‘Malli Malli Idhi Rani Roju’, and ‘World Famous Lover’, is gearing up for a new cinematic venture. His upcoming project, produced by Ganta Karthik Reddy under the Arthi Creative Team banner, is a coming-of-age story inspired by real events.
The film, titled ‘DGL’, has unveiled captivating posters that pique curiosity. The protagonist is depicted in a striking pose, lifting his t-shirt from the back, set against the backdrop of Kazipet Junction railway tracks. The tagline “Journey Begins” further adds to the intrigue, leaving audiences eager to unravel the story.
Another poster showcases a group of friends enjoying their time atop a railway bridge, hinting at the film’s exploration of friendship and camaraderie.
The film will be brought to life by the talented cinematographer Gnana Shekhar VS, marking their second collaboration with Kranthi Madhav after the critically acclaimed ‘Malli Malli Idhi Rani Roju’. The shooting is set to commence in November, and further details regarding the lead actor, supporting cast, and technical crew will be announced in due course.
‘DGL’ promises to be another captivating addition to Kranthi Madhav’s filmography, exploring the complexities of human emotions and the transformative power of life experiences.