After finishing the pre-release event of ‘Adipurush’ last night, the film’s heroine Kriti Sanon, director Om Raut and a few others visited Tirumala Venkateswara temple during the early hours of Wednesday. As we know, Kriti Sanon played the role of Sita in the epic tale Ramayana which is narrated by Om Raut. They were seen in traditional outfits and sought the blessings of the almighty.
After coming out of the temple premises, they were seen saying goodbye to each other. During that period, Om Raut kissed Kriti on the cheek and gave her a flying kiss. While it is a very common thing in the film industry, doing it on Tirumala hills has gathered a lot of attraction. We have seen celebrities doing more than this at airports, public events and many more but doing it at Tirumala has not gone well with a lot of people as they are trolling the actress and director on the internet.
Some news channels are trying to focus more on it and create an unwanted controversy. Hope that it does not become a huge thing and take away the limelight from a fantastic movie they made.
As we know, Prabhas will be seen as lord Ram in this movie and director Om Raut said many times that the ‘Baahubali’ hero is the perfect choice to play such an iconic role. In this movie, Kriti Sanon will be seen as Sita while Sunny Singh is Lakshmana. Saif Ali Khan played the role of antagonist Lankesh in the movie. T-Series produced this movie which will be released in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam languages on 16th June.